Sleep Specialist

I have been a Maternity Nurse and Paediatric Sleep Consultant for 28 years and have worked with many 100’s of parents along the way. I have always been particularly fascinated in children’s sleep and routine and most of all how they go hand in hand. The body is fascinating and how much sleep it needs not only depends on the individual age of each child but, most of all, how establishing an early baseline of sleep associations and sleep patterns can be implemented. This can set the foundations to build upon if you are wanting routine for your baby in the weeks, months ahead postpartum.

My consultations offered are invaluable to any new parent. I will guide you with knowledge and support on how to start with baby steps and small changes each week which then evolve into your child knowing their sleep associations. They learn not to be dependent on a feed to enable them to go to sleep but to be put down happily whilst restfully drifting off to sleep. All the changes will be gently embedded in their food, sleep and awake clocks, all of which are needed to be established to create a good balance for any beautiful routine. Any child can achieve routine when the parents have the right guidance, knowledge and support.

Let me be that professional to give that to you. It is always an absolute pleasure to bring that to every parent I work with, after all, in my eyes, sleep makes the world go round.

Please call the office on 0151 558 1406 to discuss your requirements further.