Chris Naughton

Preparation during pregnancy

Now what to buy…Panic!!!!!

First of all do not panic!!! It is not as daunting as it all seems… enjoy this time shopping and preparing for your pending arrival. First of all let us look at the ‘necessities’ before your start on ‘avoidable purchases’ – we all have them! – A baby crib – from birth – A cot …

Now what to buy…Panic!!!!! Read More »

Getting Organised - Early

Here Comes the Bump!

Now you have found out you are pregnant and come through the first trimester you will be wanting to be organised.  We do recommend that you start thinking ahead.  It is a woman’s natural maternal instinct, unless you are super chilled of course and want to roll with it until the last few months. That …

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The Really Early Days

Let us start at the beginning… I am pregnant! Welcome to the first of our blogs which we hope you enjoy.  We will be taking you through a journey of each trimester and beyond, bringing you knowledge and tips along the way. Finding out you are pregnant can bring many mixed emotions.  These can range …

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